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Silene waldsteinii Griseb.

Spic. Fl. Rumel. 1(2/3): 179. 1843 [Dec 1843], 1843
ID: 7 | IPNI

= Silene macropoda Velen., Sitzungsber. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. (1886) extr. 8; Nym. Consp. Fl. Eur. Suppl. ii. i.(1889) 53., Type: [Bulgaria] ”in fissuris rupium montis Vitosa”, Velenovsky PR , holo
= Silene bupleuroides subsp. ganiatsasiana Voliotis, Israel J. Bot., 40(3): 226 (1991), 1991 Type: Greece, [Greece, W Macedonia] ”mons Pinovo [Tzena]” 1620 m, 24 Sept 1985 (ACA), Vloiotis 419, Voliotis 419 ACA , holo
= Silene saxifraga var. clavata Hampe, Flora 20: 233, 1837 Type: ”Silene saxifraga” [Bugaria] ”Rumelia” Friwaldsky (BP?), ,

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Superordinate taxon: Silene sect. Siphonomorpha Otth (ID: 832)

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No Sequences registered

2 specimen(s):

TDWG 3 regions:

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